Hiring for the right dialect for Chinese interpretation services
When people talk about Chinese interpretation services, they usually refer to Mandarin interpreters. Most Chinese people are fluent in Mandarin; however, some may feel more comfortable communicating in their own dialect, or can only adequately express themselves in their native dialect. This is when you need to retain interpreters for a different dialect.
Mandarin is China’s official language. It is taught in school and spoken by the majority of people in mainland China. Mandarin interpretation services take the lion’s share of the Chinese interpretation services market. Mandarin interpreters are the largest Chinese interpreter group in the US and in China.
For more extensive reading on Mandarin, read the Wikipedia entry: Mandarin Chinese.
Cantonese is spoken in Guangdong province, Hong Kong, Macau, and in some Southeast Asian countries. Cantonese interpreters are the second largest group amongst Chinese interpreters.
Foochow (Taiwanese)
Foochow is the least requested of the three main Chinese dialects. It is mainly spoken by people in Fuzhou province (of mainland China) and Taiwan, as well as by expatriates living overseas. There are very few Foochow interpreters in the market.
Demand for Chinese interpretation services
For Chinese conference interpretation services, most clients use Mandarin interpreters. Occasionally, clients need Cantonese interpreters to accommodate delegates from Hong Kong or other Southeast Asian countries.
For deposition and court interpretation services, all three — Mandarin, Cantonese, and Foochow interpreters — are in demand.
Court certifications for Chinese interpretation services
The United States Consortium for State Courts has separate court interpreter certifications for Mandarin and Cantonese. When hiring, make sure that the interpreters are certified in the dialect you need. A court certified Cantonese interpreter may speak good conversational Mandarin, but their Mandarin may be inadequate for court or deposition interpretation. The same is true for court certified Mandarin interpreters.
There is currently no certification for Foochow interpreters. Clients who need Foochow interpreters usually have a difficult time securing them.
Plan ahead for Chinese interpretation services
Need Chinese interpretation services? Before planning out for your event, always check in advance with your Chinese-speaking clients or audience to determine which dialect is needed.
Learn more about our Chinese interpretation services here:
Mandarin Conference Interpretation Services
Mandarin Deposition Interpretation Services
Mandarin Court Interpretation Services
Mandarin Business Interpretation Services